Wednesday, 11 May 2011


With this hiatus comes a gap in bloggability. Therefore rather than back-track and post old news in new posts, I thought I'd do a brief catch-up on all the interesting stuff that's happened recently, and has thus far gone un-blogged.

I'm talking about the Tories getting into power and ensueing riots. I'm talking about disasters and nuclear power failures in the far east. I'm talking about a motherfucking Royal wedding. (Congratz). Saying that, this blog is more concerned with pretentious culture and needless anecdotes. So...

There's a lot of things that have gone on in our little bubble. Like who the hell produced Sicko Cell? (OK, it's Joy Orbison, but we were wondering for a while). And when will Far Nearer, GR Etiquette, and Getting Me Down get a god-damn release?

There was also the emergence of Jacques Greene and Kingdom, proving the UK sound has now permanently taken residence in the ears of our estranged cousins across the pond.

Saying that, the UK has been stepping up its game. The Boiler Room is reaching an all time high where its online viewers are concerned. There was that Fabriclive from Ramadanman/Pearson Sound, that banger from Julio Bashmore, and the emergence of that Scottish fella, Koreless (one of my personal faves).

Oh, and there was this annoyingly talented chap's album.

In other news: Danger Mouse has released a new album with a bunch of friends, GZA played at my local pub, and Newcastle haven't been relegated! Yet. Talking of football, just what is going on with this Mario Balotelli chap? First he's lauded as the best striker (ever) in the Premier League, then he's getting sent off left, right and centre. Finally, he's been surprising us all by giving money to tramps and stopping school bullies. Wild.

Basically, I missed lots, including doing reviews of Game of Thrones, an HBO adaptation of my favourite series of books by GRR Martin (I'll start from episode five, don't worry). So, I'll have to work hard to get this blog back in shape. Below are a few of my favourite bits and bobs from the past couple of months. Enjoy.

Everything Everything - What's My Name.

Kahn - Like We Used To.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep (Jamie XX Shuffle).

And a couple of vids:

Funny Americans.

Funny answer.

Funny Brian Cox.

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